The will to do better every day

At the forefront of our industry, we are committed to innovate continuously. Our will to surpass ourselves translates in a more capable management, environmentally friendly work methods, a more efficient communication with our customers and happier employees at work.
Innovation-driven performance
Entirely digitized janitorial maintenance management
We use Optiqo software, one of the most comprehensive custodial systems in the industry.
Highly customizable, it allows superior and better quality control monitoring according to the parameters of each contract. The data collected and the inspection reports are available online in real time, allowing a fast needs assessment. Available in web-based and mobile application versions, it facilitates the operational management and ensures an effective communication between the employees, the supervisors and the customers.
Innovation is to harness technology in the service of quality and communication.
Innovating programs entered on the goals of our staff
Our employees give their all to their work. In return, we invest in their wellbeing by developing innovating staff programs.
Our Entretien Avangardiste Bonus Program promotes the performance of our team leaders and our maintenance staff, a first in the industry. Our training program includes continuous improvement directed towards the career goals of our employees. Moreover, flexible work shifts and our official agreement procedure between colleagues facilitate collaboration and reconciling family and work life.
Innovation is ensuring a more human management of human resources.
Eco-responsible practices for th future
We believe that environmental protection is everyone’s responsibility and sustainable development forms integral part of our identity.
We use efficient equipment that consumes less water and energy and we replaced all toxic products by biodegradable ones. We prioritize local manufacturers and distributors, as well as business partners having sustainable development at heart. We implemented a series of innovating measures aiming at reducing our ecological footprint, such as the progressive replacement of our vehicle fleet by a more energy efficient fleet.
Innovation is to grow while respecting the environment.
Ready to take your industrial and commercial maintenance needs to the next level?